Academic Dishonesty & Plagiarism

Forestalling Academic Dishonesty

It is preferable for all concerned if students do not commit academic dishonesty. Below are tips for designing assignments that are not (so) easily plagiarized.

Handling Academic Dishonesty

If you suspect a student has committed academic dishonesty (see UPPS 07.10.01 for a detailed list of violations of the University Honor Code), you must follow university protocols. Contact Nancy Wilson if you have any questions.



If you wish to use Turnitin, you may want to require that your students submit their papers via Canvas. By clicking on the "Turnitin" option, students' papers will automatically yield Turnitin reports. 

Even if you use Canvas, you can require that students also submit hard copies of their papers.

University Honor Code

Student Honor Code Pledge: Students at our university recognize that, to ensure honest conduct, more is needed than an expectation of academic honesty, and we therefore adopt the practice of affixing the following pledge of honesty to the work we submit for evaluation: I pledge to uphold the principles of honesty and responsibility at our university.