TXST English News Submission Form

 TXST English students, alumni, faculty, and staff are invited to submit career-related news (publications, achievements, etc.) for consideration in department news outlets, which include the bimonthly internal department email ("the Miscellany"), the public newsletter, and social media.
Submissions about publications must include a working link. Submissions without images will not be considered for social media. Please include a high-resolution image via attachment (or link); see notes about copyright. Incomplete submissions cannot be included in department news outlets.
For more info about department news outlets, see resources linked here [link coming soon]. 
Questions? Email Miscellany@txstate.edu.
I am submitting *
News is about (select all that apply): *
(Current faculty can indicate TXST English alum status if applicable)
If current faculty, provide rank:
Describe achievement in third person; include your name, publication title & source, link, details
(If achievement relates to TXST English course/professor, please explain here)
Attach ONLY if you hold copyright (exception: your book's cover)
Social media consent? *