Sophomore Literature Syllabus

In sophomore literature at TXST, students read and analyze literary texts, develop an appreciation of literature as an art form, and gain an understanding of the role of literature in its historical, social, and cultural contexts.

Sophomore literature at Texas State University-San Marcos consists of six three-hour courses, distinct by nationality/geography and time period:

English 2310: British Literature before 1785.  Representative authors and works of British literature from the beginnings through the Neoclassical Period.

English 2320: British Literature since 1785.  Representative authors and works of British literature from the Romantic period to the present.

English 2330: World Literature before 1600.  Representative authors and works of literature from the ancient world to the early modern world.  Readings may come exclusively from the Western tradition or from various literary traditions, such as those of Africa and Asia.

English 2340: World Literature since 1600.  Representative authors and works of literature from the modern world.  Readings may come exclusively from the Western tradition or from various literary traditions, such as those of Africa and Asia.

English 2359: American Literature before 1865.  Representative authors and works of American literature from the beginnings through the Civil War.

English 2360: American Literature since 1865.  Representative authors and works of American literature from the Civil War to the present.

For a full syllabus, please download the following PDF: