IA/TA Application Instructions
TXST English appoints IAs and TAs in the spring for the following fall and spring semesters. Prior to submitting an application, please review the downloadable "IA/TA Policy and Guidelines" document below.
Texas State University is an Equal Opportunity Employer, committed to providing a welcoming educational and working environment for all.
*NOTE FOR MFA STUDENTS: Prospective MFA students should apply for an Instructional Assistantship directly within their application for admission to the program. They should review the MFA-specific application process, and should not complete the steps listed below. Only current MFA students (in either the 1st or 2nd year of the program) should follow the steps outlined below.
The Department of English appoints IAs and TAs in the spring for the following fall and spring semesters. We strongly encourage women and minorities to apply. Prior to submitting an application, please review the downloadable "IA/TA Policy and Guidelines" document below.
STEP ONE: In order to be considered for an appointment, we must receive a single PDF file containing items 1-4 below, in that order, by February 15, 2025. (If you wish to download the form and type on it, you will need the most current version of Adobe Reader. You may also opt to print the application, complete it, and scan it.)
1) A completed Texas State Department of English IA/TA Employment Application (available for download below).
2) A résumé or curriculum vitae listing your educational background and employment history (including teaching experience, if any), and other pertinent information.
3) A statement describing your reasons for seeking a graduate assistantship (limit 500 words); this statement should focus on your interest in and potential for teaching. Because Texas State University is a designated Hispanic-Serving Institution, experience with and/or knowledge of diverse student populations is preferred.
4) Transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate work completed, including work at Texas State. Transcripts need to be up-to-date to be official. Note: You must supply a separate set of transcripts with this application, even if you have already submitted transcripts with your application for graduate study. Also, if you are hired as a TA, you will be asked to submit a set of official transcripts to the English Department.
STEP THREE: Click on the APPLICATION SUBMISSION BUTTON BELOW, complete the form, and attach your PDF.
STEP FOUR: Secure three letters of recommendation addressing your potential as a teacher, as well as your academic qualifications. Your recommenders will submit their letters via a link at this URL: https://www.english.txst.edu/faculty-resources/ia-ta/application-instructions/recommendation-letter.html